IWSG : Fantasy Art
Posted on March 2, 2016

Last week, during a period of intense reflection (and procrastination), I found an amazing artist who perfectly captures the mother-dragon relationship in The Box Of Souls. Her name is Anne Stokes and her art is magical. Here are some of my favorites, each inspiring a story of their own.


These are just a few. Her site (www.annestokes.com) is loaded with faeries, vampires, and other paranormal and fantasy creatures. If her images don't inspire some fantasy writing, I don't know what does. 

Are there any artists that inspire your writing? Name them here so I can take a look. I lean towards faeries. I have a load of figurines to prove it.

Created By Alex J. Cavanaugh


  1. I love these! I especially like the winter one with the little white dragon. The angle of his body makes him look like he wants to be petted. So cool you found inspiration! :)

    1. I love how the artist showed an eagerness in the dragon's intentions. Even in the water scene, the dragon is looking for affection. So cool...

  2. I have inspiration boards on Pinterest for my books and WIPs. I found the visuals very inspiring especially as a whole. I even crafted new scenes for one after I saw my visual board didn't match my actual work. Thanks for sharing this cool art!

    1. I have a collection of pieces on Pinterest as well. They definitely inspire.

  3. Those are just beautiful. I love fantasy art. Some of my favorite fairy artists are Garry Walton (http://fineartamerica.com/featured/waterfall-fairies-variant-1-garry-walton.html), Nene Thomas (http://nenethomas.com/), and Josephine Wall (http://www.josephinewall.co.uk/). I'll look you up on Pinterest the next time I'm there. :)

    1. They are SOOOO on my list! I love Nene Thomas. Thanks for sending these artists my way Lori! :-D

  4. Those are truly beautiful. I especially love the dragon in the egg. Thanks for recommending her website.


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