Springtime & Writing, an IWSG Post
Posted on May 2, 2018

For May's IWSG post, the following question was asked: "It’s spring! Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?"

Well, not sure. Let's study the changes that take place when Springtime arrives.

1 - Beautiful Freaking Weather

I can literally see blue skies through my windows! A wonderful replacement to the end-of-the-world gray skies we had most of February and March. Not to mention the invigorating feeling of being able to go outside after months of hibernation. And this past winter was lo-oh-ong! It makes me want to dance, like the gofer from Caddyshack.

2 - More Running

I also tend to run more, and that jolts all sorts of writing muscles into action. Lots of plot development, world building, character definition, happens while running. AND, I almost reached a running milestone, the elusive 8-minute-mile. That's just an overall natural high.

So close!

3 - More Awesome Music

And because I run while listening to music, I listen to tons more music during Springtime. And more music makes me want to find new movie soundtracks to write to. Movie soundtracks tend to put me in certain moods, and they're usually epic.

King Author Legend of the Sword
My new favorite soundtrack.

4 - More Catwalking

Beautiful weather means I get to take my cat out on walks. That's right. He's got a leash and everything! And people are always delighted to see him. He's also much nicer when I take him out, and as a result he's more cuddly. And since he doesn't poo anywhere outside, I let him explore.


So, does all this produce more writing? I don't think I've written more or less, but I do know that, overall, I feel tons better.

And my cat naps soundly when I'm at my laptop, and doesn't bother me as much as he usually does. That alone makes me more productive!

 ~ * ~

This post is part of the 

Spring is here!
Take your cat out for a walk!
Go for a run!
Or Just Write!


  1. Sounds like spring recharges you big time. :-) I'm looking forward to getting into the swing of it myself. Good luck! @mirymom1 from
    Balancing Act

    1. It definitely recharges me. The sun, the fresh breeze, being outside... its energizing!

  2. What is is like to walk your cat? Does he walk along with you or does he sit down whenever he likes? Are you able to walk very far with him? I think I've seen one person do this. It's an interesting concept. I never walked my cats when I had them, but I'm allergic to cats now.

    1. It's tricky at first, because cats don't like to be harnessed, but after a few attempts he got used to the idea of not being able to go everywhere. You definitely have to be patient. I go with the intent of being outside for a while because I let him go up trees and climb things. He hangs out, and its a tug of war for a few minutes, and then he follows my lead. It is fun though. :-D


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